The BPSPX is a useful market tool that verifies market direction. A move above 70% signals bull market fun continuing while a drop under 30% signals bear market fun continuing. When the BPSPX reverses six percentage points, that triggers a buy or sell signal depending on what direction the change occurs. Recapping the drama since late last year, the BPSPX was on a market buy signal and then when price moved above 70% the buy signal strengthened. BPSPX forecasted the correct path forward for this year. In March, a top occurs at 84-ish so at 78-ish a market sell signal is triggered with the six percentage point reversal. The bears appeared to be on easy street then whammo, the bulls fight back and crush the bears with the obscene April-May rally. A market buy signal triggered at the start of May verifying the move higher.
Markets peaked at 90-ish, an uber high multi-month and multi-year number not typically seen, which signals a market top purely based on the excessive 90+ number. This occurs in conjunction with the SPX 1687 top. Yesterday the BPSPX fell in excess of six percentage points triggering a market sell signal. The sell signal remains in affect unless the bulls can reverse from the 82.80 to 88.80. If the 70% level fails, this adds a booster to the bear camp and the SPX would be falling well through the 1500's perhaps on the way to the 1400's. Additional information is available on the Other Market Signals page. This information is for educational and entertainment purposes only. Do not invest based on anything you read or view here. Consult your financial advisor before making any investment decision.